Moving is a high cost for most households. Many even had to make a personal loan to cover the various costs associated with the move. In order not to ruin yourself, it is therefore essential to manage expenses well. Among the main costs and ancillary costs are the rental of the truck, the purchase of equipment and various equipment necessary for the move (cardboards, packaging, cover, markers, scissors…), the moving company, real estate costs (housing and property tax, agency fees, deposit, etc.), the storage (storage solution), etc.
To succeed in your cheap move project, you need to organize yourself well. Here are some tips to best manage this important project in your life while saving money.
Borrowing equipment needed for a cheap move
Instead of buying, note that you can borrow the equipment you need for your move. When it comes to moving, many people think that boxes are the only ones needed. However, they tend to forget that there are a lot of tools and equipment useful to secure them, for storage, for sorting… For example, you’ll need a cutter, adhesive rolls, bubble wrap, stretch film, gloves, scissors… Larger equipment will be added to this list such as the elevator, the moving truck, etc. To save money, you can ask your loved ones, friends, colleagues… if they can lend you these useful equipment for the smooth running of your move.
What about the septic tank drain from the tenant?
The septic tank drain also remains one of the items expenses for the tenant. In Quebec, it is important to note that septic tanks must be drained every 2 years, except for second homes. The septic tank drain of these can be done every 4 years by professionals. These devices are put in place to prevent any health risks. For example, if your treatment field is clogged, you need to quickly repair it. This will prevent overflow and odours. Re-conditioned is more economical than replacing it. Be aware that every tenant must maintain the pit every 2 or 5 years (depending on the lease). Before you leave, if you are a tenant, find out about this so you don’t have any nasty surprises at the time of departure.
Moving through the services of a professional: is it necessarily expensive?
Many people think that moving alone is the most economical solution. Of course, going through a professional moving business has a cost, but it may also be an attractive solution at a reasonable price that will make your life much easier. In fact, moving companies are now increasingly offering formulas that are very advantageous to their customers. You can opt for the most economical formula (key in hand). To find the best offer, you will have to research the web and compare. Ask for multiple quotes from different companies and compare them. Then you can negotiate the rates in order to save on the mover’s price.