Moving to a new city can be intimidating. New neighbours, an unknown community and expanding chores lists can weigh heavily on those trying to settle in their new homes.
Here are five tips for moving into your new home and community:
1. Finding medical care
One of the most difficult aspects of resettlement is finding a doctor and dentist you trust in your new city. Despite the stress of moving, it is essential to find trusted doctors for emergency medical assistance. Keep in mind that even if you can ask for local best practices, you can also rely on a telemedicine provider to talk with doctors online and get the necessary treatments shipped to your new home.
2. Explore the city
There’s no better way to get to know a new place than to go for a walk. Ask your neighbours or colleagues to recommend the best places in the city, but also walk around with no specific destination to get to know the area better. You could be your new favorite store or restaurant! Finding places in the city will help you feel more connected to your community and help you feel settled in your new city faster, while introducing you to like-minded locals.
3. Throw a party
Whether it’s a housewarming or just a sharing dinner, inviting neighbors and new colleagues to your home is a great way to connect with those in the city and expand your network of friends. Consider hand-handing invitations for the chance to introduce yourself and customize the event. To break the ice at the party, you can go around your house, play a housewarming-themed game or ask for the story of everyone in the area.
4. Create a to-do list
If you feel overwhelmed by the races you have to run and the tasks you have to complete, try to write it all down. This will help you visualize your tasks, organize your thoughts and plan how to execute them. Then you can plan your tasks based on the proximity and relevance of each other and check the items more efficiently. Consider using a log to track and prioritize short- and long-term tasks.
5. Personalize your home
Once you move into your new home or apartment, you should get to work to make you feel at home. Whether it means doing small repairs, hanging artwork or painting walls, you should work to feel happy in your new home, especially before unpacking all your boxes.
When you move into a new community and home, it’s important that you feel comfortable and unique. Use these tips or discover your own to make your relocation as smooth as possible. Using a professional moving company like Gentle Giant can even reduce the stress of leaving your shoulders, so you can focus on making your new home feel right at home.